Vil du være med til at opbygge fremtidens bank i Norden?

Vi lever vores brand ved at have en kultur, der er gennemsyret af vores værdier - Simpel, personal and fair. De er nøglen til, hvordan vi bliver det oplagte valg for vores kunder og den bedste arbejdsplads for vores medarbejdere.

Personer laver gruppearbejde

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Se vores ledige stillinger i Norden.

Insurance Leasing Product Manager

The area of Insurance is continuously growing and is becoming a bigger business area for the Bank, and Strategic pillar for the future.

Come join Santander Nordic Insurance Product Department on our growth track!

We are seeking a Leasing Product Manager with the skills to execute our ambitious plan, and the personality to fit a high performing team. For the right Candidate, plenty of challenges will await.

Building on our capabilities and data insight, the Leasing Product Manager will work closely with various stakeholders to develop new Leasing Insurance products in all Nordic countries and thereby contributing to the strategy development of Nordic Insurance in Santander.

Being part of a small, but highly functional Insurance team present in all four Nordic capitals, you will spearhead the Leasing Insurance development within the Insurance business, linking business requirements to data to product development, and take responsibility ensuring order and efficiency in the collaboration with various stakeholders.

We are seeking a highly qualified professional that will be responsible to develop optimal Insurance products for today and tomorrows leasing models in the Nordics. This includes

  • Collaborate intensively with the markets to understand business needs.
  • Build new products in collaboration with our insurance partners
  • Work with change manager and IT departments for technical development
  • Be stakeholder and support towards distribution when introducing products in the market

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Cyber Security Architect

We're seeking a passionate, innovative Cyber Security Architect to join our team of 10 cyber security enthusiasts in welcoming environment. We encourage your personal and professional growth. You will be able to take ownership of your work with the liberty to improve and shape our security framework and processes.

The principal mission of the Security Architect is to identify, analyze and define cybersecurity architecture for Santander Nordic Security solutions/platforms. Your responsibility is to secure enterprise information by planning, researching and designing robust security architecture and offer security support to IT projects, with security requirements analysis, solutions design, security testing support and risk management.

You will be working in with an inclusive, supportive team that values diverse perspectives.

Main activities:

  • Responsible for ensuring that the Santander Nordic security architecture supports the business strategy and goals
  • Responsible for detection of security gaps on projects and that architecture align with policies and frameworks
  • Work with projects and business to frame security decisions as risk management decisions
  • Communicate security gaps and enforce their resolution
  • Define and maintain security principles, policies and standards
  • Include security by design on every project, implement a secure software development life cycle, and provide a cyber technical design for each project and solutions (APIs, Big Data, Cloud, BC, WEB)
  • Analyze trends and best practice to identify best-in-class security direction for Santander Nordic
  • Supervise and follow up on security architectural issues for project and change-work throughout the organization
  • Close Support to PMO for including cyber security in project process
  • Execute project risk assessments
  • Build good relationships with the business and user environment based on professional mutual trust
  • Be the internal and external main contact point regarding IT security architecture
  • Create cyber security blueprints to detailed describe capabilities within defined security domains.

Competencies & Skills:

  • In depth knowledge of information technology, network security and security solutions and frameworks.
  • In depth understanding of security and technology trends, requirements and regulatory drivers in Banking and Technology industries.
  • Technical security knowledge – strong understanding of security threats and misconfigurations.
  • Ability to understand the business context and technology landscape, manage uncertainties and apply best practices.
  • Good knowledge of Information security standards (ie: ISO 27001) and EU related regulations (GDPR, PSD2, NIS)
  • Expert level at IT and Cyber Security Risk management. Experience with quantification of Cyber Risk a plus (FAIR-model or other similar)
  • Documented, relevant IT skills and practical experience with the application of one or more architecture framework (TOGAF, SABSA)

Personal Characteristics:

  • Capable of working in a highly demanding and agile environment.
  • Structured and result-oriented.
  • Experience of being a member and contributing in a team.
  • Good communication skills, ability to communicate complex technology in a simple manner.
  • High level of English
  • Excellent ability to bridge gaps in understanding and align stakeholders with different views.

Experience & Education:

  • 5+ years of experience as Security Architect in a medium-sized / large business preferably from the financial industry.
  • Relevant experience as a security solution architect in major business projects and from system development.
  • Experience with deployments and implementations in both on premise and cloud infrastructures.
  • Experience with supporting projects and initiatives with interpretation of security requirements and defining security architectures.
  • Experience from risk analysis and assessment.
  • Knowledge and experience with compliance requirements such as SOX, PCI, GDPR, PSD2, etc.
  • Technical degree such in computer science, engineering or similar.
  • Certifications within cyber/network security or IT audit/risk management
  • Certification is a plus; CISSP, CEH, ISACA (CISM/CSX/CISA) or similar.
  • Training or Certifications within one or more of the following is a plus; Cloud (Azure, AWS), IAM and Digital Identity, Open Banking and PSD2, Mobile Security, Security in DevOps.

What we offer:

  • An opportunity to work in a large, high-performing international company, in a dynamic environment that is constantly changing.
  • A corporate culture that is professional and dynamic, yet informal. Bureaucracy is kept to a minimum, as we expect our skilled employees to make long lasting and impactful decisions to shape our future.
  • Highly competent, dedicated, and friendly co-workers with strong collaboration across the Nordics.

Are you interested?

If you have the right profile, will and enthusiasm, we encourages you to apply as soon as possible, but no later than 5th January 2025. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the position will be filled once we find the ideal candidate.

If you have any questions about the position, you can contact Vidar Gran,

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Vores kerneværdier

Think customer

Jeg holder af vores kunder, så jeg går den ekstra mil for at vinde deres tillid og loyalitet. Kunderne efterspørger mere end nogensinde en bank, der er enkel, personlig og fair. Think Customer betyder, at vi går den ekstra mil for at opnå loyalitet og tillid hos de mennesker, vi interagerer med. Hver og en af os skal sætte os i den gennemsnitlige kundes sted og altid tænke på, hvordan vores handlinger påvirker kunderne. Vi skal forudse og opfylde alle spørgsmål, problemer og behov, som vores kunder måtte have. Det betyder at gå ud over det for at levere en service i verdensklasse.

Embrace change

Jeg omfavner nye udfordringer, og jeg ser nye måder at gøre tingene på som en mulighed for at vokse. Verden bevæger sig hurtigt. Ny teknologi, et konstant foranderligt konkurrencelandskab og sociale tendenser har øget samfundets forventninger til virksomheder. Santander har en ambition om at opnå Net Zero inden år 2050, forpligtelser vi skal opfylde. Forandring kræver en indsats og bliver naturligvis mødt med modstand. Forandring kan betyde, at vi laver fejl. Det skal vi ikke være bange for. Fejl er prisen for fremskridt: Vi bør lære af dem, da den største fejl af alle er at ignorere de ændringer, vi skal foretage.

Act now

Jeg handler med ansvar og gør tingene enkle, når det er muligt. Kompleksitet dræber vækst. Dynamiske virksomheder bevæger sig som et fleksibelt kollektiv, fri for bureaukrati og komplicerede processer. Sådan skal vi være. Vi skal tage ansvar for vores egne opgaver og udføre dem hurtigt og ansvarligt, samtidig med at vi opfordrer kollegerne til at gøre det samme. Uanset om det er vores ansvar eller et andet teams ansvar, er vi nødt til at fjerne forhindringer, der bremser os.

Move together

Jeg søger muligheder for at fremme samarbejde og arbejder sammen med andre for at nå fælles mål. Det er kun ved at arbejde som et team, at vi kan løse de sværeste udfordringer. Derfor har vi skabt One Santander. De bedste teams får mest muligt ud af alles færdigheder for at få arbejdet gjort. Mangfoldighed kan være en af ​​vores største styrker, men kun hvis vi samarbejder og lytter til hinanden og bevæger os som én.

Speak up

Jeg er velkommen til at rejse enhver idé eller stille ethvert spørgsmål og opbygge et miljø med respekt og tillid. Jeg er tryg ved at dele og modtage feedback. Alle skal sige fra. Hvor problemer og ideer ikke deles, deles løsninger heller ikke. Alle i virksomheden har et unikt perspektiv, og fordi det er unikt, er det nyttigt. Vi har alle, fra de ældste til de yngste, brug for selvtilliden til at udfordre os selv til at gøre det bedre: Vi skal alle være parate til at give og modtage ærlig feedback, og vi skal alle føle os sikre på, at vores spørgsmål bliver besvaret.

Mulighederne for udvikling er mange

Santander er en virksomhed, hvor der er mulighed for karriereudvikling både i Norden og internationalt bl.a. gennem et globalt talentprogram. Hør Mark fortælle om hans oplevelse med at arbejde på vores globale hovedkontor i Madrid, som en del af hans deltagelse i det globale talentprogram Mundo, i videoen her.

En nordisk bank med spanske rødder

Vi tilhører den globale koncern Banco Santander, der har 144 millioner kunder og over 200.000 ansatte i 45 lande. Vi er en nordisk bank med mere end 1.400 engagerede kollegaer i Danmark, Norge, Sverige og Finland, som arbejder for at skabe en enkel, personlig og pålidelig bank.

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Om os

Banken med lokal tilstedeværelse og global styrke. Læs mere om os her.


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